Team KFRI » Scientist Profile

Dr. Adarsh C.K.

Junior Scientist/Scientist B
Department of Silviculture
Sustainable Forest Management Division
Phone: 91-487-2690162
Mobile: 9497742176
Whatsapp No. 8921021327
[Research Gate] 

Dr. Adarsh C. K. has been working in the Silviculture Department with more emphasis in forest ecology, forest mensuration, dendrochronology, forest health assessments and eco-restoration activities. His expertise is on the floristics and edaphic attributes of forest ecosystems of Western Ghats as well as plantation forestry, forest pathology, and wood science & technologies. He has been working in forest ecosystems of Kerala for more than one decade. He has also acquired profound experience on the taxonomy and ecology of butterflies, odonates, spiders and polypores of Western Ghats. Moreover, He is proficient with the EIA and carrying capacity assessments. During the M.Sc and Ph.D. programmes, he conducted extensive studies in diversity and ecology of polypores including dead wood dynamics and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems of Kerala. He has conducted studies on the sustainable harvesting, processing, and value addition of forest products of Kerala with more emphasis on NWFPs. In addition, he also established studies on seed treatments of commercially important forest trees of Western Ghats. Correspondingly he also handled the Legitimacy of forest management.

Focused areas: Forest ecology, biodiversity, conservation biology, forest mensuration, dendrochronology, forest health assessment, carbon sequestration in tropical ecosystems, threat to forest ecosystems: invasive alien species, eco-restoration, climate change mitigation strategies, seed biology and nursery techniques.

Total number of publications: 12

Academics and profession:

  • Ph.D. in Forestry ( Specialization: Natural Resource Management ), Kerala Agricultural University (2018).
  • M.Sc. in Forestry (Specialization: Forest Management and Utilization), College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University (2015).
  • B.Sc. in Forestry, College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University (2013).
Recent positions:
  • Manager in Kerala Forest Development Corporation (2021-2022)
  • Research Associate in ICAR Network Project on “Harvesting, Processing and Value Addition of Natural Resins and Gums” (2020-2021)
  • Assistant Professor (C) in Department of Natural Resource Management, College of Forestry, KAU (2018-2020)